So there is a new place in town for artist to show their stuff. Whether it be painting, dancing, tattooing, writing, etc. It's called Aspire Studios and my sister is friends with the owners, so I got the privilege of hanging some paintings and drawings there. For the opening night (which was on Halloween) they had a Rock Masquerade Ball and my sister took some picts of my art. I didn't go to the opening b/c I'm a homebody who's partying days are over. :) so here are the picts my sister took...

Hi from Acworth!
How do I acquire those crazy little ghosts and price range on paintings and do any of them come with frames??
My favorite artist is Van Gough, you are the closest person (alive) that reminds me of his work.
I absolutely LOVE your art.
Ok, I found your shop link. I missed it cuz I was drooling over everything.
I'll take a look there..
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